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Email: [email protected], Telegram: @CryptoMeterAdmin


Qualtity Traffic

We have Qualtity traffic from USA, UK, Russia, Germany, and Turkey with only 28% bounce rate.

Avg. Time on Website

Since we give top notch user experience, Average user spend more than 2 Hour on

Traffic Source

Our top traffic sources are Google, Direct, and Social Media with user interest in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain.

Superior Experience

We ensure quality experience for our advertisers with quick response and flexible plans.

Flexible Pricing

We offer flexible fixed monthly or CPM packages.

Advertising Placements

Leaderboard Ad

For the maximum exposure of the ad, we have banner advertisement at the top of the pages.

Link Ad

We send on average 100k+ alerts per month by Telegram bot. Adding a link in our Telegram bot alerts will give more exposure.

Sticky Ad

We offer sticky banner ads on desktop, it can boost viewability and increase engagement with ad.

Button Ad

Custom buttons can increase engagement with advertiser products. We can create custom buttons as per advertiser requirements.